Student Expectations
Staff Expectations
Parent and Community Expectations
Business Expectations
Governing Bodies Expectations

To be recognized as having an innovative, challenging and exemplary school system.
To educate and nurture students to be successful and productive citizens.
In pursuit of our vision and mission, the following elements are crucial:
A safe, secure, orderly, and drug-free learning environment;
A work and learning environment of mutual respect, cooperation, and open communication;
Parental, business, and community participation and involvement;
Individualized, differentiated learning experiences for all students regardless of ability, creed, gender, geographic location, national origin, race, or socio-economic status;
Employees of the highest ability and integrity;
Students learning to live and work in a community that uses its diversity as a strength;
Respect for the voices of students and their contribution to the educational process;
Allocation of financial resources based upon identified and recognized results; and
Continuous improvement in all areas.
Student Expectations
Each student at the grade level/subject area tested will attain state-identified level of proficiency for the Standards of Learning.
Each student will be promoted based on a documented assessment of proficiency on grade level/subject content.
Each student entering 8th grade will graduate on schedule by passing all courses taken and receiving verified credits for all applicable subjects.
Each student will attend scheduled classes on a daily basis.
Each student will adhere to the code of conduct by receiving no discipline referrals.
Each student will be an active participant in physical fitness programs through classes and organized activities.
Each graduate will require no remediation or retraining for entering higher education, the workforce or the military.
Each graduate will display life skills through oral and written communications, mathematical and technical applications and human relations.
Each graduate will exhibit civic responsibility and awareness of diverse cultures through participation in school/community activities.
Each graduate will demonstrate a knowledge of computer technology as it applies to the use of computer hardware and software in a modern business, industry or education environment as measured by a technology skills assessment during the senior year.
Staff Expectations
Administrative Staff
Teaching Staff
Teachers will provide instruction necessary for students to attain state-identified level of proficiency for the Standards of Learning and document the delivery of such instruction.
Teachers will achieve performance expectations and strive for excellence as shown by satisfactory or superior rating on all criteria on the appropriate evaluation instrument.
Teachers will conduct documented assessment of proficiency on grade level/subject content.
Teachers will provide oral and written feedback to students and parents about achievements of academic learning objectives.
Teachers will participate annually in professional development activities at the local, regional, state and/or national levels.
Support Staff
Support staff will achieve performance expectations as shown by a satisfactory or superior rating on all criteria on the appropriate evaluation instrument.
Support staff will attend training activities applicable to their responsibilities.
Parent and Community Expectations
Parents will ensure that their child attend school at the proper time.
Parents will have their child attend school on a daily basis.
Parents will attend conferences with their child's teacher at least once per year.
Parents will work cooperatively with school personnel to develop and implement corrective plans for academic and/or behavioral problems, if they should occur.
Parents will participate in programs designed to improve their parenting skills.
Parents and community members will actively support education by serving as mentors and role models for students and by participating on school committees and in public forums.
Business Expectations
Businesses will provide recognition programs for student achievement.
Businesses will implement programs designed to encourage parental involvement in their child's education.
Businesses will provide input and/or release time for employees to serve on curriculum and advisory committees relative to the school system.
Businesses will require graduates of the Pittsylvania County Schools to present their Graduate Profile Card when applying for employment.
Businesses will implement recognition programs and schedules that encourage student employees to be successful learners.
Governing Bodies Expectations
The Board of Supervisors and the School Board of Pittsylvania County will "make available a diverse and quality learning environment which provides and prepares a productive workforce and well-rounded citizens."(1)
The Board of Supervisors and the School Board of Pittsylvania County "will openly and honestly collaborate and cooperate to advance the quality of life in Pittsylvania County."(2)
1 Mission Statement for the Pittsylvania County School Board and Pittsylvania County Board of Supervisors. Adopted by the Pittsylvania County School Board on October 14, 1997. Adopted by the Pittsylvania County Board of Supervisors on November 3, 1997.
2 Ibid.